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Fact or Personal Opinion

Be careful of misleading “teachers”


So we all know that one person who always seems to have the answer for all our spiritual/magickal needs straight off the top of their heads as if Spirit spoke to them their self.

How do we know if this person is legit or talking out of their ass?

First and foremost, on this journey you are going to see that you no longer need to go to book stores and libraries for that hard to find knowledge or to the little old lady down the street everyone calls a witch...... that all the info you’ll ever need is right at your finger tips in the google search bar.

“But, Boujee how do we know we can trust that?”

If you’ve met either scenario and are feeling overwhelmed, it’s ok! Sometimes it will be like that on this journey. The main thing is that you know how to spot a situation where you’ll definitely need to do more research.

How to spot iffy knowledge/advice/practices/spells:

1. If the person tells you that drugs are bad mmmk and will mess up your spiritual journey mmmmk then you know you will need to search elsewhere. Why did I start off with this one? Don’t click out of here yet, hold on!! Marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, and some hallucinagenic drugs have been used for CENTURIES in rituals, honoring Orishas and other deities, open ones third eye, taking spiritual journeys, coming into adulthood rituals, and used as offerings. For someone to tell you that they limit your abilities is straight OPINION. Drugs, tobacco and alcohol are all substances that are to be chosen or left out, by the witch/magickal person and their journey. No one can tell you that they are or are not essential to your path. But be smart... KNOW YOUR LIMITS, USE MODERATION AND COMMON SENSE. And for the love of cheese don’t put yourself in danger.

2. If someone tells you that you need expensive materials and items for your work, conjurings or spells that is straight OPINION. Do you think witches or voodoo/hoodoo practicianers had a lot of money or resources to get the high dollar expensive stuff? No, they didn’t because a. Way back then resources were straight from nature b. When it wasn’t acceptable to practice the craft everyone went into hiding which meant most didn’t flaunt off their money c. A lot of practicianers were POOR (ex. The slaves that were brought over and not allowed to practice or they’d be lynched) d. Things were usually needed in a hurry and a quick grab was easier than saving up for a beautiful diamond encrusted cauldron e. They didn’t give a shit about how fancy or expensive it was because they knew their power came from within and not with materials. Don’t go broke and into debt to do magick.

3. Witches don’t believe in the devil.... or do they? If you believe in demons then why wouldn’t you believe in a leader for the demons? The devil comes in many forms with many names, he doesn’t necessarily have to be the Christian devil. Different beliefs have different devils... there are also Christians who are witches. So this one is an OPINION, because every witch believes in her own path and journey and deities.

4. If someone tells you how you are practicing is wrong because you are not doing it the way they are doing it that’s an OPINION. Again everyone’s path and journey is different and there is no one way to this life.

5. The spell you wanted to do is asking for some ridiculous items that your not sure even exist or the ingredients are super expensive or can’t be substituted by something else (ex. You don’t have an orange but you have an all natural organic orange essential oil) or asks you to do something ridiculous or dangerous then it’s a fake spell, throw it out.

6. Someone tells you that their work or readings are 95, 98, 99, 100% accurate so you think hell yeah I just scored! Nope sorry, you’re about to be taken for booboo the fool. Work and readings are NEVER that accurate or will have that guarantee to work for this one simple fact: we all have free will. Your reading might not come out all the way true because guess what... instead of staying on the path you were on you changed your mind and started on a different path which changes your future which changes your reading. That spell isn’t guaranteed because if homeboy your tried to put a love spell on has a very strong will he will not be affected. Also if you do a spell to be a millionaire and that just is not in your destiny because in this life time you were meant to know what it feels like to struggle then that spell won’t work, no matter how strong the witch. Don’t be a booboo be ready to accept things might not work or things will change.

7. This one is a little tricky. Someone offers you a free reading so you’re excited and think you just got extremely lucky.... booboo beware. Some mediums, psychics, tarot readers will give you a message for free or will give you a reading for free simply because a spirit is nagging them to tell you something or they want the practice and then they quietly make their exit... be careful of the ones who come to you and give you bad news and then offer their services at a high price to “help” you. If a real medium or psychic was nagged to tell you a message they will also try to help you for free because guess what.... that’s the right thing to do and most believe in karma. It is always wrong to take advantage of someone, period. And honestly people with gifts have bills to pay too... freebie readings don’t pay the light bill.

8. Witches and magickal people need to be 100% positive and happy all of the time or they are not real and are *gasps* fakes ... is complete OPINION. How the fuck am I supposed to clear my throat chakra if you pissed me off and I didn’t cuss your dumb ass out? We are still human we still have a wide range of emotions and if someone is in a good mood 24/7 be scared of them they aren’t right in the head.

9. “If you were born a witch how come no one else in your family is a witch” or “you can’t be a real witch if you don’t know every single thing there is to know about witches and magick and spells” .... shut up.... some witches or magickal people are the first to recognize their gifts in their family for years, decades, centuries or ever. Harry Potter didn’t even know he was a wizard until Hagrid told him and he sure as hell didn’t know anything about magick until he started. (Yes I know I used a movie reference, I did so for the ones who can easily grasp it by using a reference they’re familiar with). So this is a big fat non important OPINION.

10. Witches and/or magickal people must dress and look a certain way and be in a coven..... is the biggest load of garbage ever. Do you honey, dress how you want, be naked if you want, be a hermit or a social butterfly..... be you!

So these are a few to get you started and more aware. Be safe out there my little boogie monsters!!! 💜💋

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