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No Likey the Love Spells.... how they can be harmful

Definitely need to read BEFORE casting on your crush!

Sooooo my boogie monster, you have a crush huh? Thinking of sealing the deal with a little love spell? Oh, come on what‘s the harm of a little backup added right? I mean they have a crush on you too or maybe y’all have been dating for quite some time and you want this to last forever so I mean what’s the big deal???

Just stop right there..... there are quite a few ways this could back fire on you esp if you are still fairly new to this.

Oh love (spells) let me list the ways I (don’t) love you.........

(Not all of these will apply. It depends on the caster and the strength of the spell. With the exception of #1, all of these are scenarios which could happen. It is guaranteed at least one of these scenarios will happen though.)

1. You are being unethical

Yes, you heard me. I’m not sugarcoating it for you. It’s unethical. You are taking away someone’s free will. Would you like that shit to happen to you?

2. You can inadvertently cast it on yourself as well

This goes with that question I just asked you. If you cast a love spell on someone it can backfire hitting not only the person it was meant for but it will hit you too. So guess what... you both unnaturally want each other to the point of obsession and unhealthy behaviors. All that fun that’s in normal relationships will be out the door. You will be jealous and petty and obsessive just like they will be, which could lead to violence.

3. You will lose interest

Most people are very turned off by clingy people. That person who you date that just doesn’t seem to have a life of their own. Their day begins and ends with you and they are constantly up your ass and you feel smothered. Well guess what sugar cup that’s exactly how your love interest will be when you cast your spell. And eventually you’ll lose interest while that poor bastard still pines over you. Which could lead to stalking or more serious behavioral issues. Some people can’t handle rejection, imagine if that person had a love spell on them. 😬

4. They could hurt themselves

Read the last paragraph again. Sometimes those clingy people tend to say things like, “I’ll kill myself if you ever leave me.” Well guess what, with enough rejection this person might just do that because they can’t live without you and the pain of wanting you is too unbearable.

5. This can last for years blocking your blessings

This literally could last forever or if you’re lucky for quite a few years. You have messed with the universal plan for both of your lives. If you we’re meant for each other it would’ve happened but this person might have only been meant to be around for a season to teach you something. Or they might’ve not been meant for you at all. Now you are blocking both of your blessings. The people and love you both are supposed to be experiencing won’t happen... which causes a ripple effect to the people you were supposed to be with. Some people call this the butterfly effect. You have successfully blocked your blessings, congratulations you just played yourself.

6. You think it didn’t work but it did

That person might be extremely shy to make the first move and here you go casting a love spell on them. Now they’re pining over you but are too nervous to approach you. So they live their life secretly and desperately wanting you. They will never fully appreciate any relationships they may have because deep down they want you. So ultimately they are miserable while you move on living your life because you thought it didn’t work. Nice, you just joined the asshole club.

I could literally go on about why casting a love spell on one particular person is the worst and shittiest idea ever. Instead I’m going to leave you with this (because I’m sure by now you’re not too happy with me not being so nice) think of doing general love spells and not ones intended for one person. This way you are telling the universe you are ready for love, you want love, and what type of love you want. Then the universe conspires to bring forth the person you are meant to be with. And you never know you may get lucky and that person might be your crush. If you are already in a relationship and are trying to make sure it lasts forever or you’re trying to mend the broken home, you can do individual spells for trust, commitment, healing, success, sex, fertility, fidelity, fun and so on. That way those areas that are lacking are strengthened and you can both work on the relationship together.

As always boogie monsters, be safe and smart about everything you do. Remember every action has a reaction and there are consequences to some of those actions.

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